effective. ​one on one. quality care.

Covid-19 Criteria/Guidelines
We are asking patients to only come for a physical visit if the following criteria apply:
You have socially distanced (maintained at least 6 feet of space) from those who do not live with you
No current signs, symptoms, or risk factors related to coronavirus.
The CDC lists the following as symptoms of COVID-19:
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Repeated shaking with chills
Muscle pain
Sore throat
New loss of taste or smell
Risk factors
Close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19
Close contact with someone who is symptomatic of COVID-19
Recent travel to areas with sustained transmission of COVID-19
If any of the above statements do not apply to you, then we kindly ask that you do not come into the clinic until you are cleared to do so per the CDC guidelines.
Further Guidelines:
Patients and Clients are encouraged to bring their own masks. If you do not have one, please notify the personal you will be working with and we will try to provide you with one based on availability.
Patients must wash or sanitize hands before entering the clinic and before and after touching their face.
Working personnel must wear masks at all times when working with clients.
All equipment must be disinfected between uses.
No more than two people in the waiting area at a time. Please wipe seats before and after sitting in chairs.